Ever since I was 14, I have struggled with acne. I struggled with nodular acne which of course is very large & deep acne. Sometimes it’s not very noticeable, but it’s extremely painful! It was years of crying because nothing I tried would work, even the common commercial one that everyone swore by! So when I was in my mid-20s and still struggling, I started to lose hope it would ever go away.

Mike and I researched everything online and we ended up finding nothing more than $200-$300 skincare sets that had mixed reviews. I absolutely refused to spend that much on them, so I figured I was going to have to wait until I had insurance and try for Accutane, which we all know can be extremely rough to be on. I was desperate to be rid of acne before I turned 30 though!
Then one day searching Amazon I came across humane brand products that looked promising and for the price, it was worth trying. These products turned my skin around and I will forever be grateful I found them!
I want to state that the products I’m about to list are harsher than ones you’d find at Walmart and I’m not guaranteeing they will work for anyone else. I am just sharing the products that have finally made a difference on my own skin and cleared up my acne. Though the article contains affiliate links, I’m only sharing them because they truly worked.
Product 1: humane Maximum-Strength Acne Wash

I use the wash with 10% Benzoyl Peroxide and can be used on your body! It can be very drying but I got used to it and like I said, it made the biggest difference in my skin I’ve ever seen. It is dermatologist-tested, vegan, and cruelty-free.
It doesn’t foam up and you are meant to massage it onto your face a let it sit for a few minutes, which you may have to work up to depending on how sensitive your skin is. I will usually brush my teeth and keep myself occupied in the morning than in the shower I leave it on the whole time. (This is after about a year of using it though, so please follow the directions!)
The few bad reviews I saw were from super sensitive skin people who let it sit too long. PLAY IT SAFE! Put it on and the minute you start to feel anything uncomfortable, take it off! For example, right after I wax my lip, I usually can’t leave it on my lip area, so the minute it starts to sting I wash my lip off. I don’t have any issues because I listen to my skin.
I have noticed that it bleached the collars of my shirts if I wear them while washing my face, so I’d be aware of that. That’s my biggest complaint though! Overall, this facewash was an absolute GAME CHANGER for me!! I can’t say enough good about it!
Get yours here!
Product 2: humane Oil-Free Daily Lightweight Face Moisturizer

I have never been one to use moisturizer because it always feels heavy and makes me break out worse, that was until I found this! With the harsher face wash I knew I was going to have to give it shot and I’m so glad I did. I use it daily and it feel so good to keep my face moisturized while also keeping it clean enough to avoid acne.
Nothing feels worse than finally catching up to your acne but having your face just flaking everywhere, with the humane products I’ve found I get the best of both worlds. It keeps my skin the right amount of moisturizer and doesn’t make it oily. If you try their facewash, you NEED this moisturizer!
They pair so well together and balance each other out the right way. In the way the face wash can be drying, the moisturizer adds just enough back in.
Order yours here:
Product 3: TruSkin Tea Tree Clear Skin Super Serum

I do think that this serum paired with the face wash is what helped get my face to almost zero acne. (Except for that week and a half each month) This serum is formulated with tea tree oil, vitamin C, salicylic acid, niacinamide, and retinol. (So you know it’s seriously good!)
I put it on my t-zone twice a day (usually), occasionally on my cheeks if I’m seeing any sort of breaking out, or I’ll cut it out completely for a few days if I start to dry out a little too much.
As with the facewash, it’s a little harsh, so be cautious when first using it. Try spot-testing it so you don’t overdo it. Play it safe at first so you can experience this amazing product!
Listen to your skin while you use it. Sometimes it works to push through some dryness or discomfort, but typically you are better off backing off the minute things start to feel different.
You can order your first bottle here: https://amzn.to/3kNcP3D
Product 4 Acne Patch Pimple Patch

These are my favorite because I’ve found they work just as well as the other well-known brands, but you get way more for your money!
If you haven’t heard of these, they are really simple. You put the patch on the zit, usually overnight, and it helps it heal SUPER quickly!
Order yours here!
I really hope this helps someone out there who is struggling just like I was!
Much Love,