Self-care is always important, however, it’s extremely important when you are in a depressive episode. Self-care also looks different when you are working on getting yourself out of depression versus your normal self-care that helps keep you out of it. So let’s review a few ideas of self-care that can help you work your way out of that depression.

1. Shower, brush your hair, and do your makeup and your nails: Look good, feel good! One of the first things to go when I’m in a depression is how well I keep myself up. When my bipolar first started, it was so debilitating that I would go days without showering. Gross, I know. It’s not an issue now but it still feels like such a win when I get out of bed and shower when I’m struggling to even want to be alive. Now the extra steps are what really help me feel good about myself. When I’m depressed, I take the extra time to brush my hair and do my makeup in a way that makes me feel extra pretty. It makes the world of difference walking around the house. Then in the evenings, I will take time to paint my nails and toenails while drinking a glass of wine. It’s a way to relax and feel good about how I look. This includes your clothing! Do you have a pair of jeans that make your butt look good? Wear them! Have a top that makes you feel sexy? Put it on! It really does something to the chemicals in your brain!
2. Do a Craft: Yup, do a silly little craft. It’s too cold out to sit outside, so find something to help keep your hands and mind busy. One of my favorites is diamond art! I can stay on my comfy couch while watching TV. Or if you are feeling more adventurous, start finding new crafts to do on Pinterest! I find that keeping my hands and mind busy help, so multitasking is a great way to stay busy and forget some of the pressures around me. Things like crocheting, cross stitching, coloring (adult color books with curse words are the best), and anything else where you can focus on it while watching your favorite TV show is great. It really keeps your mind busy enough that you forget some of the things that are weighing down on you.
3. Watch that trashy TV: That’s right, I should probably tell you a list of uplifting shows that bring you joy and blah blah. Instead, what I’m going to tell you is to watch the trashy TV that will make you giggle and check out of anything serious. Recently my favorites have been Family Guy and old VH1 dating shows like Rock of Love & Flavor of Love. It doesn’t get any trashier than that! I’ve binged Family Guy’s 20 seasons twice in the last few months because I just need something in the background to giggle about. Also, make a list of your feel-good movies! This doesn’t mean Hallmark movies with uplifting messages, which movies make you laugh and check out mentally for an hour & a half? Mine are Step Brothers, Phantom of the Opera, and The Greatest Showman. Step Brothers is my top-played movie, especially when I’m depressed. Nothing beats “Did we just become best friends?! YUP!” The funny thing is I’m marrying a guy whose favorite movie to rewatch is Braveheart. Basically, I get a great 2.5-hour nap cuddled up with him.
4. Read a Book: It’s just like number 3, but better! Books can transport you to a place that no movie can! Finding a good book to curl up with can make the day and worries disappear. I have Kindle Unlimited and get my money's worth! At my peak I was reading a book a day, now I wasn’t sleeping much but the books were great! Kindle Unlimited is great because it suggests books similar to what you just read. You can only imagine the rabbit hole I went down after 50 Shades of Grey. Or if you prefer a paper book, go check out secondhand stores! You pay a fraction of the cost and can find some real gems that you may not find in bookstores currently! Books are seriously a great way to escape the world for a while.
5. Write: Have you ever tried writing? You don’t have to go and publish a blog, but have you tried writing anything? Try writing poetry, a book, or just journaling! If you want to write but don’t know where to start, Pinterest has some great journal prompts! It doesn’t have to flow as you see in the movies, and it doesn’t have to be beautiful, just get what’s in your head out on paper.
6. NAP!: Yes nap. We have been conditioned to think napping is bad and that we need to suffer through things. Instead of resting we will sit and stress on the couch while accomplishing nothing. So yes, go to bed, resting is what our brains need. Depression is not something to be taken lightly, it takes a major toll on your physical health, it’s okay to take a nap. Please take a nap. Don’t let yourself spend a week sleeping 20 hours a day, but it’s okay to sleep for a few days to get better. Resting now will help you heal quickly.
As you’ve read, a lot of these are to escape for small periods of time. If you have depressive episodes like me, there’s nothing more you can do than to wait it out, but there are things I can do to help it pass a little quicker. If not quicker, I can at least help the days be a little less painful.
Once the weather is nice, you want to be out in the sun as much as possible, but when you live in South Dakota, you only get that luxury for a few months a year. If you live somewhere that you can be outside, please do! It’s so much better for you than staying stuck in the house all day.
Much love,