When my mental health isn’t in peak condition, it’s extremely hard to sit back a relax. To sit and do nothing but watch TV is hard for me, which a lot of people may laugh at. Mike is someone who can sit, check out, and be perfectly happy. If I attempt to do the same thing I will end up in a whirlwind because I let myself sit here and do nothing but overthink. Most of the time I need to be doing something else in the evening while we are sitting and watching TV.

This has become an issue at points in time because my almost-husband just wants to be with me and I can’t sit still! He’s so understanding but I was determined to find ways for me to be with him on the couch without being on Facebook.
Have you ever experienced this feeling? Have you ever needed to do something else but are tired of scrolling social media? Well, here’s a list of 8 things I found are great for multitasking while watching TV. It lets you be present with your family while also making sure you aren’t roaming too far in your mind.
1. Games on Phone: Now it does require you to find the right games for the right occasion, yes? It’s hard to play timed games when you’re trying to be present with family or pay attention to a TV show. My two favorites are Wordscapes and 4 Pics 1 Word. I love word games because they work your brain, keep it focused on something, but also allow you to watch TV while you play them! It’s also something Mike and I will sit together and work on which is always a lot of fun. If you are looking for something that is timed and a little more “fun”, I’ve really enjoyed the UNO app and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Evil Apples games. Evil Apples is the app version of Card Against Humanity and it’s hilarious. These are timed and you'll need to stay focused.
2. Blogging/Writing: I know, shocking but most of my blog posts are written while I’m sitting on the couch watching TV with Mike. It allows me to be present with him while still doing something that keeps my mind from wandering. If you aren’t looking for a full-blown blog, look up journal prompts on Pinterest. Just writing for a short while can get enough out that you are able to sit down and relax for a while. (If you’re anything like me.) Have you ever done a ‘brain dump’? These are fantastic for getting it all out! Writing EVERYTHING that is on your mind out, creating a list of to-do’s, list of goals, etc. You get to put everything on paper and it’s fantastic. These are great options to do while you’re trying to sit and chill out in the evening.
3. Fill-Ins/Crosswords/Word Searches: I LOVE my Fill-In’s, the easy versions of crosswords. They require brain power, allow you to be present, can be taken anywhere, aren’t on your phone, and can be shared with your family. Lilly often will tear a page out so she can give them a shot when I’m working on puzzles. But any of these puzzles are great options because it gets you off your phone! The downside is you’ll need to make sure a lamp is on so you can see, but other than that I absolutely love them!!
4. Makeup/Nails: Yes, I’m a girly girl. I’m a girly girl whose found therapy in sitting and doing my makeup. 90% of the time I sit in front of my light-up mirror for an hour or two but some days I enjoy bringing my makeup out to the couch to sit with my family while I play around with it. It sounds silly but it is so fun and therapeutic. It’s a form of art to take these beautiful color pallets and create something beautiful on my face. There is always going to be something positive that happens in your brain when you do something that makes you feel prettier and that’s why I love doing my nails at least weekly. Other than Mike complaining about the smell, it’s a good option for being out with family and keeping yourself busy.
5. Diamond Art: This is Mike’s least favorite because I totally leave a mess every time. No matter how careful you are, you will leave a trail of diamonds behind you but It’s fun. I use a piece of cardboard or plywood based on the size, sit on the couch, and complete a diamond art puzzle. If you haven’t done one of these yet, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE?! They are an absolute blast. The hardest part is getting rid of the finished product because you can’t keep them all but oh well.
6. Pinterest: I know I said no social media, but Pinterest is a little different. Scrolling Facebook & Instagram can take a toll on your mental health, scrolling Pinterest can fill you with motivation and excitement! It’s easy to mindlessly scroll Pinterest while watching TV with the family.
7. Coloring: That’s right, COLORING! This one is one of my favorites because it’s something the entire family can join in on. The kids have their coloring things and I even have some adult coloring books. My favorite is my curse words coloring book and my serial killer coloring book! Every once in a while, I’ll get Mike to join in.
It’s important to try to disconnect from social media but sometimes it’s not easy to just sit and be still. I’m currently working on it by practicing meditation, but in the meantime, I need things to do! If you understand this feeling, I hope you find these suggestions helpful!
The most helpful thing is going to be communication. If you don’t communicate why you can’t sit still, it could lead to feelings of resentment from your family. It takes a brief conversation explaining that it's almost painful to sit still and most people will understand. I know as soon as I explained it to Mike he understood. We talk about what I’m doing, when I need to take a break to be with him, etc. Communication is truly the key.
Thanks for reading!
Much Love,