Well, I'm sitting here, my last week of work, training my replacement. With so many new things coming down the line, I'm extremely eager to get moving forward. School is a huge step for me, I never pictured myself going back to school.

The reason I decided to get back to school was my current job. I'm making very little, I'm at the mercy of my work schedule, and there's no room to move up. It woke me up! I knew I needed to get into something that had the possibility of working from home and something I enjoyed. So marketing and graphic design popped up!
My ultimate goal is to be completely self-employed, which graphic design offers. It's something I truly enjoy and I'm going to learn more programs beyond Canva, which is extremely exciting.
My other big adventure is that I'm breeding Panda Oranda Goldfish. This means shifting a lot around my fish loft and possibly putting some tanks out in our garage. I'm nervous because I failed so miserably at trying to breed betta fish.
The difference this time, is goldfish don't try to kill each other.
It's a fairly simple process of squeezing eggs and sperm out of the fish into a tub. Within a day those eggs grow tails and turn into baby goldfish. They grow fairly quickly as well, so there's not a ton of growout time for them. I already have a local fish store that is excited for the possibility of getting goldfish locally and I will be able to sell to their distributor which means moving a lot of fish in one go. Ultimately, my goal is to build a following and be able to sell my goldfish online. Especially when it comes to the higher-grade ones.
My biggest inspiration has been Luke's Goldies. He has turned his basement into a small goldfish farm and it's so amazing! He's extremely knowledgeable and fun to watch. I hope to become the female version of him. I want to make a living off social media and fish. I never pictured it'd be goldfish but here we are. I've developed a love for them through his videos.
I plan to make my first video tomorrow once the kids are out of the house and placed my first fish order for some beautiful panda orandas. So I'm eagerly awaiting for those to show up! I'll post an unpacking video when they arrive.
So all in all, I have some very big changes coming up and I couldn't be more excited!
I'll continue to share updates and some of my other content.
Thanks for reading,