You may have noticed I took a break from my blog, I felt like I was starting to just push out content that wasn't meaningful. So I needed to take some time to really think about what I was doing. Where was I taking this blog, did I even want to continue?

Well, then my blog plan came up for renewal and I really had to decide what I wanted to do. Do I pay for another year on a blog that hasn't developed any revenue but does bring me some joy.... or do I let it go for now?
Well, I dug deep down inside and realized I didn't want to let it go. My analytics have been going up! (Thank you Pinterest) What if one of my mental health or autism mom posts reaches someone and helps them? But I'm making a few changes.
I want to stay true to myself, I'm not some Pinterest-perfect mom who has her shit together. Actually, I'm far from it! So I'm going to be more true to myself when it comes to what I'm putting out, more raw and emotional posts. But the biggest change?
I'm adding a new category to my posts and it's going to drive some people away...
We are going to talk about sex! OH NO!
I debated this for a long time because I do have a few clients using my virtual assistant services and what if they get offended? (They won't though, they are really cool.) What if I offend someone on my friends list? Then I realized, I don't completely care. Sex is natural, we all do it, and I'm a very sex-positive person! It's a topic that needs to be talked about because I know what it felt like to be sexually embarrassed to enjoy sex, embarrassed by fantasies, and worst off... too embarrassed to talk to my partner about it.
So I decided it's another topic that I want to share about in a somewhat professional way. If that makes sense. I won't be nasty about anything but I'm ready to start talking about all facets of being a wife, and that means some bow chicka wow wow!
Anything sex-related with come with an NSFW before the title so you can stay clear if you want to.
But all in all, I will be back to blogging once Mike and I are back from our honeymoon!!
Stay tuned!
Much Love,