We live in a world where it's looked down on to be in a relationship, that it makes you weak. We aren't supposed to "need" anyone, but for me I'm willing to admit... I need my man! In my opinion, it takes courage to be in a relationship, to put your heart on the line. Are you one that's strong enough?

My favorite song is "Standing Outside the Fire" by Garth Brooks:
"But you got to be tough when consumed by desire 'Cause it's not enough just to stand outside the fire We call them strong Those who can face this world alone Who seem to get by on their own Those who will never take the fall
We call them weak Who are unable to resist The slightest chance love might exist And for that forsake it all"
How spot on is this!?
We live in a world where an unscarred heart is looked upon highly, one that keeps their walls up and refuses to let anyone close. I can't imagine living like this though. I have a very scarred heart and it's because I'm willing to take the chance to love and be loved.
I watch a lot of trash TV and I've seen plenty of people who refuse to let someone get close and they always appear lonely and sad. We aren't creatures who were made to be alone.
Here are my top 3 reasons why I'm not scared to say, "I need my man".
I'm a Better Person because of Him: I have no shame in admitting that I'm a better human because of him. He's pushed me to become a better person in all facets of life. I don't react as quickly to bad situations, I try harder to succeed, and I want to be a better person. I consider myself lucky because I know how the wrong relationship can drain you! So finding the right person in life should be the one who makes you want to be a better person.
I Have Someone to Lean On: It's no secret, my mental health situation is a mess, but with Mike by my side, I do a ton better. I have someone to lean on, I don't feel alone. Having someone to lean on changes the bad days, when you have someone there to talk to and who can pick up the slack. Relationships aren't always 50/50, sometimes they are 60/40 or even 30/70. Mike is fantastic at being there for me when I can't seem to function right.
He Fills in the Voids: We are all complete in our own way, but when you find the right one, they fill the voids that you lack. This can't be debated because no one can say they do everything, you can't be everything. Mike is able to fill in the gaps where I lack. This can be the case for each couple. He's the calm to my chaos, the chill to my outgoing. He balances me out and handles the areas that I may not be the best in.
I don't think it's a bad thing to need someone, in fact its beautiful. I'm not saying I'll cease to exist without him but I'm my best me with him by my side.
What are your thoughts? Do you think it takes courage to put your heart on the line too?
Thanks for Reading,