Well, I swore after the wedding I was going to start back up, and look how that turned out!
Oh well.

So I'm back! A married woman with a lot to come up! The biggest thing is that I've quit my job and I'm going back to school! I'm super excited and ready to grow myself.
I've decided to go to school for graphic design and marketing. It's going to astronomically grow the graphic design skills that I have now. My goal is to become self-employed and work from home. I feel optimistic about this! Free-lancing is my dream!
Many have asked how married life has been and I'll tell you, it's been great! Not a lot has changed except I continue to fall more in love with my husband more and more each day. Marriage didn't change much except my last name, but I'm still over the moon in love with Mike!
As you all know, I'm always into new adventures, and this time it's goldfish breeding! This won't be another beta breeding escapade, as goldfish don't try to kill each other! I'm breeding adorable panda orandas, which have been a big hit on social media lately because of a popular video circulating.

This is going to require Mike to give up half his garage and an investment but we are ready for it! It's going to be exciting as this isn't a super difficult task. You simply squeeze the sperm out of the male fish and the eggs out of the female fish in a bucket. You can end up with thousands!
My biggest inspiration has been Luke's Goldies, a popular online star who converted his basement into a fish breeding farm. It's total #goals!
Besides that, I have just continued to stay busy with this and that.
Life never seems to stop, lazy nights are a rarity, I'm sure you understand that.
Well, I have many other post ideas that I need to work on, this is just a check-in post to tell you I'm back!
Thanks for checking in,