Well, in a matter of a few weeks, I'm turning the big 3-0! I've been sharing memes and other funnies on Facebook about it but the reality is, I'm not worried about it.

It's crazy to think I'm already turning 30, but I'm not scared of it. I'm ready to say goodbye to my 20's. They were a roller coaster without a doubt, I faced my highest highs and lowest lows, but at the end of the day I'm okay saying goodbye to them.
I don't completely understand the fear of growing older, I'm ready to get a few wrinkles and grow a little wiser with each year. What is your biggest fear about getting older? Maybe it'll hit me when I hit 40 or 50, but at this point, I'm excited and ready for the next part of my life.
I think what has me most excited is I've never seen such a bright future for myself. I have the man of my dreams who is not only what I want, he's what I need in my life. I'm a better mom than I was at certain parts of my 20's, I'm going to school and setting myself up for my dream career, and I have new adventures (such as my fish breeding) that I really see a future in.
I think all of the good in my life overshadows anything small like turning another year older.
I picture my 30's being some of the best years of my life and a lot of it has to do with being blessed with such a wonderful and supportive partner. Mike changed the trajectory of my life when I met him and I'm on a better path than I ever have been.
Mentally I'm in a better spot that I ever have been. Meds are working and I've mellowed out a lot. I'm still the spazzy one that you've all grown to love, I just don't make such horrible decisions anymore. Most days.
So in conclusion, I'll make the jokes that my 20's are over but in reality, I'm excited. I survived a lot in my 20's. My favorite thing is I'm no longer surviving, I'm LIVING! Living a great life that isn't perfect but the good far outweighs the bad.
Anyone who has been there through my last 10 years has seen my lows, has seen me go off the rails and lose my mind. Some never thought I'd make it to 30. So if you've been there, you know what an accomplishment it is to make it to 30.
Thanks for reading!